Najgroźniejsi wrogowie, z którymi musimy walczyć są w nas...

They said it was better to know your enemy, but how did it help to know that your enemy’s one weakness was your weakness, too?
“Take London, my love, and turn it all to blood,” she said. “My gift to you.”
"What if I just love you? What if I love you but I never touch you or talk about it, what would happen then?"
Belatedly, she realized something else. “Do you … have anything?”
He didn’t seem to have recovered from her last comment. “But do you mean — wait, do I have what?”
She slitted her eyes at him. “Something important.”
“Like what? The phone number for the White House?” A moment later, under her withering glare, realization dawned. “Oh.” His was the expression of someone who has run out of gas in the middle of the desert, miles from help. “I … “

“Oh, God, the lovebirds,” Magnus said, pulling the pillow off his face. “I hate happy couples.”
“I don’t know why I ever helped you.”
“Because you like broken things.”

“You are the Lightwoods — you are all that is left of the Lightwoods.”
“You’re in my bones and my blood and my heart,” he said. “I’d have to tear myself open to let you go.”
“Wet again,” Will said, glumly.
Not your parabatai any longer
Jem leaned closer against the chair, staring into the fire. “Better it were my hands,” he said.
Will shook his head. Exhaustion was muting the edges of everything in the room, blurring the flocked wallpaper into a single mass of dark color. “No. Not your hands. You need your hands for the violin. What do I need mine for?”

When you were an angel, what was your name?
… laughing together at all the beautiful ruin around them. They were standing suspended in the sea: it couldn’t hurt them, destruction was their element. Clarissa was looking down as she laughed, trailing her moonlight hands in the water. When she lifted up her hands they were dark, dripping: he realized that the seas were all blood.
It was one of the things that had made her fall in love with him in the first place: realizing that this scarred, sarcastic boy was gentle with the things he loved.
“Do you think there’s a chance for him?”
“A chance for who?”
“Will. To be happy.”
“Is there a chance for you to be happy if he isn’t?”

“In all my previous encounters with Will, he has worn pants.”
“Did you …” He could barely bring himself to ask. “Did you like it?”
“Yeah.” Her voice was husky. “I liked it.”

He kissed each finger, and with each one of them spoken a word. Five kisses, five words. His last.
Will’s hand looked brown and sunburnt by contrast, their fingers dovetailed together like piano keys.
She slid the gold ring back onto her finger before heading into Jace’s bedroom.
Marry me today.
his parabatai rune was bleeding
He stopped dead. “Tessa told you?” he said.
“In your eyes, I have always found grace.”
To my son,
If you are reading this letter, then I am dead.

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