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Back And Deader Than Ever is the fourth book in the scary-cool and frighteningly popular Monster High Series. This book is to be released on May 8th 2012.

As always Frankie Stein and Melody Carver take part of the spotlight. The other part of the spotlight is taken by Lala, also known as Draculaura. This last sentence was just an assumption but good assumption at that this book's title was given away in the back of Where There's a Wolf, There's a Way book in an advertisement for the book.The third one is about Clawdeen, second is about Cleo and the first one is about Frankie, so that means this one is about Draculaura (Lala), so I'm guessing the fifth one is about Lagoona (Blue, yes thats really her name)!

Release Date: March 8, 2012
Hardcover: 272 pages
ISBN 0316099171

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